Heatline - LONG PIPE

Heatline-LONG PIPE  is a heating tape of series resistance, applied for prevention of freezing or process temperature maintenance in common industrial pipelines up to 3 km. Typical appliccation is the temperature maintenance and prevention of freeze-up in above ground or underground water-supply line. Application of system Heatline-LONG PIPE minimises the number of electrical supplies needed, reduces cost of accompanying power-sypply system.

Heating tape Heatline-LONG PIPE may be straight run or spriralled to above ground pipes. For preliminarily heat-insulated pipelines, tape is placed into directing elements, installed on a transport pipe under lagging. 

  • single conductor heating tape HL-Р-Э-1
  • three phase heating tape HL-P-Э-3


 Technical information LONG PIPE

 HL-Р-Э-1 HL-P-Э-3
Maximum operating temperature, °С 180 180
Maximum allowable temperature of exeternal action, without load (1000 hours cumulatively) 200 200
Minimum installation temperature, ºС - 30 - 30
Linear power, W/m up to 40 up to 40
Supply voltage, V 380 - 660 380 - 660
Minimal radius of bend at operation and storage  55 55
Permissible minimum radius of single bend at insllation, mm 45 45
Outer diameter, mm 3,8 - 5,5 ___
Weight, kg/100m 39 - 120 39 - 120

Company distributes a full set of accessories: power sources, systems of power and temperature control, equipment of alarm/tracking after circuit continuity, interface boxes and other composition.

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140121, MO, Ramenskiy, Ilinsky district, Oktyabrskaya str., 64 p.box